Monday, October 11, 2010

WSR: Weight 254.8 - Weight Left To Lose 84.8

Height: 5'7"
Age: 42

Starting Weight: 370.0 lbs
Goal Weight: 170.0 lbs

Current Weight: 254.8 lbs
Pounds Lost: 115.2 lbs
Pounds Left To Lose: 84.8 lbs

Percent Of Weight Lost: 31.14%
Percent Of Way To Goal: 57.60%

Starting BMI: 57.9
Current BMI: 39.9
BMI Lost:18.0

I have had a an absolutely fantastic week.  I am down 3.2 pounds, I exercised 5 days (3 of which involved strength training) and I stayed on plan with the diet.  The only thing I didn't do exactly spot on was drink my water.  Guess what this week's goal is?

The thing I am most proud of in this go round of my diet war is that the 22.2 pounds that I have lost in the last 6 weeks is real weight loss earned through hard work and not shortcuts.  I didn't eat less.  I ate more.  I didn't do the minimum amount of exercise.  I pushed myself harder.  I tried new things outside of my comfort zone.  This sense of pride I feel is really rooted in the fact that I am working on making real changes vs. pulling tricks to make the scale show me a lower number.

Faster does not always equal better.  I know that in the past I have robbed myself in so many ways by not fully understanding that my body needs adequate nutrition.  Eating nothing but yogurt, oatmeal and fruit for a week is not the way to go.  I've done that.  I've also gained the weight I *lost* back in no time when my menu expanded beyond the few foods I was allowing it in the short term.  That lesson has definitely been learned.

This week I want to do exactly the same thing as I did last week:  eat right, exercise, and drink enough water.

Onward and downward y'all!


Ladycyone said...

Your blog is amazing, I'm 25 and startong my journey not far from youe beginning weight, thanks for the motivation!

Tim said...

Congratulations on your achievements so far! It gives people like me, who's just starting, a real motivation boost!



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