Saturday, December 18, 2010

Awards & Saturday Thoughts

I was given a few awards within the past week or so and I want to honor the givers by recognizing them.

Gifted by Jess @ Cankles and Carrots

Of all the awards in blogland this is the most meaningful to me in the weight loss world.  The reason being that it is incredibly hard to tell the whole truth sometimes.  If you have struggled with an eating disorder or suffered from low self esteem or a poor body image and have to fight your way out then honesty is essential.  When you face the truth about yourself, about your habits, your most painful scars and your deepest fears then that is when you can truly make a change.  I try my best to only post with 100% honesty because when I reach goal I want to have honestly found the woman inside me.

Gifted by bd160 @ Dancing Towards Myself

When I set out to chronicle this journey of mine I never expected to find such a great group of people who are also traveling their own road to health and fitness.  Blogland is an amazing universe of warm and supportive people that have gifted me with more than I ever found at any WW meeting.  And to think that I am one that someone would think was a worthy read was never even conceivable when I first started out.  I want to thank all of you who visit and comment because you are invaluable to me on a daily basis.

I am not going to follow the rules and award these to anyone. When it comes to awards I don't like narrowing it down because I find value in each and every blog that I follow.  If you would like to grab these and want to award someone yourself then you are free to do so.

Saturday Thoughts

I had planned on getting out early and hitting Central Market to pick up a few things but then I reconsidered because I looked at the calendar and I have no desire to be afflicted by "one week before Christmas craziness".  My butt will remain at home, only venturing out later this afternoon to do my C25K training session and to buy a salad from Potbelly for dinner.

Why are weekends so easy for me diet wise?  I know others have a tougher time staying on plan on the weekend, but for me it is easy to eat a couple of meals and then call it a day.  I usually eat less on Saturday than any other day of the week.  I'm not complaining, just wondering why it is so.

Another mystery is why in the hell have I become an early riser?  Is there some old person's club that can give me an answer?  Every morning for the past three weeks or so I have woken up at 6:30 AM.  Today was no different.  I used to be a champion sleeper.  Sleeping until noon was the standard.  Now I can't even make it to 8 AM.

Speaking of morning routines, Allan is in my thoughts every morning as I take the first tinkle.  It is long.  It is hard.  Trust me I really don't want to be thinking about him that early in the day, but all of his pee posts have stuck in my head.  I am becoming proud of urination.  Its official.  I am a freak.

And on the other end of that spectrum, this is the first week that I won't have had to use Magnesium Citrate to ensure a proper number two.  I am getting there on my own.  The only supplements I take these days are D3 and B12.  This is a huge "load" off of my mind.

I never posted anything about what I thought about the Biggest Loser finale.  I will keep things as spoiler free as possible to avoid ruining it for anyone that might still have it on DVR but have yet to hit Play.  The winner bugs me because of the game play that went down this season.  I can't fully enjoy their hard earned success even though I do like them a lot.  This show is more than a show to me because of where I have come from.  BL9 rocked hard in being about the journey and not some game to be won.  The final member of the top three was as it should have been.  I am so happy for them and their entire journey.  The at home winner had the highest percentage of weight loss of anyone and also happened to be my favorite from the start.  The moment that determined the at home winner was the best moment of the finale for me.  I jumped and hollered and felt like a complete dork.

That is all.  I hope everyone has a great Saturday and don't get run over by any reindeer or bargain seeking shoppers.

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