Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Spawn: Day 16

Today was just an out of whack kind of day all around.

I did good calorie wise.  I ate a little bit more because that week is now upon me and for the next 3 days especially I have to be careful to not eat too little or I will be spending Christmas in bed knocked on my ass.  Calories were still low (below goal weight).  I'm pleased.

The out of whackedness came in the friendly, chatty, in the Christmas spirit form of Difficult Man showing up at my desk with homemade cookies (that I turned down) and engaging in actual conversation about diet and health and fitness.  We share similar goals.  I'm still stunned and it happened hours ago.  The mood swings of DM never cease to amaze me. 

So I finish out my day, come home, changed clothes and head out to do my C25K training to end the week.  As I finished my first run the app crashed and set the clock to zero.  I make sure that nothing else is running thinking maybe this app needs to be the center of attention and doesn't want to share space with others.  I actually started the session again from scratch and halfway through it dies again.  Needless to say I was pissed.  I immediately deleted the app and a new one is on the phone and ready to be tried tomorrow when I attempt the day's run all over again.  So no C25K update from me today.  I managed to run for 9 minutes and walk for 12, so in addition to the mile I walked at work today it all makes this day not a total loss fitness wise.

Calories for today are at 1406. Water intake, per the usual, was done before leaving work.

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